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How things haven't changed


From the consultation process it is clear that there is a growing realization and concern for the deteriorating aesthetics of the Fish Hoek CBD. This sensitivity to the poor townscape of the Main Road "high street" and its direct environs can be attributed to the growing popularity of Fish Hoek as a tourist venue and its location on the internationally recognized Cape Peninsula scenic route system. On the other hand, the deteriorating aesthetics of certain areas, the poor standard of maintenance/upkeep of buildings, the perceived insensitive use of colour, the cluttered signage, the lack of a focus point, and the threat of inappropriate development are also aspects which have served to raise levels of public concern.

- The Fish Hoek CBD area lacks the presence of well preserved buildings of architectural merit and at first perusal displays a disarray of shops and signs situated in a mix of often poorly maintained buildings of little architectural merit. However, elements such as the Main Road "high street", the existing scale and mix of the built form and the land uses and their focus on the Main Road linear axis serves to create a vibrant "village atmosphere" which is very different from the planned mono-functional retail shopping malls which now predominate urban areas. The existing "village character" of the Fish Hoek CBD is its strongest asset and must therefore be strengthened and retained.

- The use of exterior building colour and in some cases the lack of it needs to be coordinated.

- The Main Road high street is cluttered with too much signage. The commercial message could be communicated just as effectively in a more appropriate manner.

- The linear axis of Main Road CBD lacks focus. There is no consolidation of public space or the celebration thereof in areas such as the station square.

- The area is sterile, very little use has been made of landscaping, appropriate street furniture (lighting/benches) and paving to improve the quality of the built environment.

In 2018, are we finally going to work together and get something done?

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